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A Psychic Tarot Reader & Spiritual Healer


Knowing Black Magic / Evil Magic

Although some people believe that it is wrong to use magic to influence events, most agree that it is perfectly acceptable to use magic to take greater control over one’s life as long as the free will of others is not impinged upon. Most agree that you should ask permission before casting a spell for someone else. Many people wonder what is ‘black magic’ and want to find out if they are the victim of black magic?

How can you get stucked and involved?

Although some people believe that t is wrong to use magic to influence events, most agree that it is perfect acceptable to use magic to take greater control over one’s life s long as the free will of others is not impinged upon. Most agree that you should ask permission before casting a spell for someone else ….

The basic intention of magic should be to bring about greater freedom, love and happiness. When hatred is th emotion used to instigate negative changes in the lives of others, this is often called black magic. When an individual moves down this path, he or she sows the seeds of his own destruction.

Black magic not only uses magical forces for selfish ends, but is also generated by emotions such as hatred, fear, and ignorance, and has as its ultimate aim the harming and destruction of humanity. Those who choose a practice such magic may experience short-term gains; they may well get their revenge or attain wealth very quickly. However, in a relatively short space of time, the negative forces they are sending out will return and act against them, ……. even STRONGER!  It’s not going to help you in anyway, therefore, dont waste your time, hard earned money, believe into wrong energy ….